Rob Stitt's Web Site

Welcome to my web site!

Updated: January 22, 2024

Copyright © 1995-2024 Robert L. Stitt

(Click here to read the full copyright statement)

Notice Regarding Unsolicited Email Messages

Finding Rob on Facebook

You can find me on Facebook, at the following address:

Contact me ( if you are interested in higher resolution images, prints, etc.

My Thoughts about Corporate Governance and Compensation for CEOs

View my Shareholder Comments page for my thoughts on these issues and to listen to my comments at two Sprint annual meetings.

My Interests

As you might guess from the information on this web site, my interests include travel, computers, telecommunications, aviation, mountain biking, and skiing (just because I'm interested in mountain biking and skiing--and enjoy them--doesn't mean I'm skilled at them!!).

Blue River Parkway

Rob Stitt's Web Site - Home I used to coordinate the volunteer trail maintenance activities for the Blue River Parkway trails (multi-use: mountain biking, hiking, jogging, bird watching, and limited equestrian use). Please check out the following sites, which have great information about those trails

Contact Rob

You can send Rob an email ( however all spam email (e.g., unsolicited sales, fraud, scams, etc.) are forbidden and is subject to legal action and/or prosecution.